Science current issue


1. Cellular architecture shapes the naïve T cell response | Science
2. Defining the KRAS- and ERK-dependent transcriptome in KRAS-mutant cancers | Science
3. Determining the ERK-regulated phosphoproteome driving KRAS-mutant cancer | Science
4. Curved crease origami and topological singularities enable hyperextensibility of L. olor | Science
5. A master regulator of opioid reward in the ventral prefrontal cortex | Science
6. This biologist aims to solve the cell’s biggest mystery. Could it help cancer patients, too?
7. Missed connections | Science
8. Team scientists should normalize disagreement | Science
9. Brazil should prioritize young scientists at home | Science
10. News at a glance: Tracking clouds, reducing fake news posts, and counting ties to Big Tobacco
11. A tiny, long-distance hunter | Science
12. A new twist in ferroelectric liquids | Science
13. Peter Higgs (1929–2024) | Science
14. Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in polar fluid–heliconical ferroelectric nematic phase | Science
15. Unpacking climate policy | Science
16. The weapons potential of high-assay low-enriched uranium | Science
17. Molecular mechanism of substrate recognition and cleavage by human γ-secretase | Science
18. Greenhouse gas mitigation requires caution | Science
19. Abundant hydrocarbons in the disk around a very-low-mass star | Science
20. The evolution of thermogenesis in mammals | Science
21. In Other Journals | Science
22. Connecting lab, clinic, and community | Science
23. In Science Journals | Science
24. The future of life | Science
25. A little-known virus on the rise in South America could overwhelm health systems
26. ‘Google for DNA’ indexes 10% of world’s known genetic sequences
27. Researchers plan to retract landmark Alzheimer’s paper containing doctored images
28. Anthony Fauci fends off COVID-19 accusations in pandemic origin probe
29. Negotiations on global plan to fight pandemics end without a deal
30. Software that detects ‘tortured acronyms’ in research papers could help root out misconduct
更新于 43 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-06-07 Cellular architecture shapes the naïve T cell response | Science
2024-06-07 Defining the KRAS- and ERK-dependent transcriptome in KRAS-mutant cancers | Science
2024-06-07 Determining the ERK-regulated phosphoproteome driving KRAS-mutant cancer | Science
2024-06-07 Curved crease origami and topological singularities enable hyperextensibility of L. olor | Science zeristor
2024-06-07 A master regulator of opioid reward in the ventral prefrontal cortex | Science
2024-06-07 News at a glance: Tracking clouds, reducing fake news posts, and counting ties to Big Tobacco Science News Staff
2024-06-07 Team scientists should normalize disagreement | Science
2024-06-07 Brazil should prioritize young scientists at home | Science
2024-06-07 In Science Journals | Science
2024-06-07 Connecting lab, clinic, and community | Science
2024-06-07 The evolution of thermogenesis in mammals | Science
2024-06-07 Greenhouse gas mitigation requires caution | Science
2024-06-07 The weapons potential of high-assay low-enriched uranium | Science
2024-06-07 Unpacking climate policy | Science
2024-06-07 The future of life | Science
2024-06-07 Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in polar fluid–heliconical ferroelectric nematic phase | Science
2024-06-07 Peter Higgs (1929–2024) | Science
2024-06-07 Molecular mechanism of substrate recognition and cleavage by human γ-secretase | Science
2024-06-07 A new twist in ferroelectric liquids | Science
2024-06-07 Abundant hydrocarbons in the disk around a very-low-mass star | Science
2024-06-07 A tiny, long-distance hunter | Science
2024-06-07 In Other Journals | Science
2024-06-07 Missed connections | Science
2024-06-07 This biologist aims to solve the cell’s biggest mystery. Could it help cancer patients, too? John Travis
2024-06-07 A little-known virus on the rise in South America could overwhelm health systems Sofia Moutinho
2024-06-07 ‘Google for DNA’ indexes 10% of world’s known genetic sequences Catherine Offord
2024-06-07 Researchers plan to retract landmark Alzheimer’s paper containing doctored images Charles Piller
2024-06-07 Anthony Fauci fends off COVID-19 accusations in pandemic origin probe Jocelyn Kaiser
2024-06-07 Negotiations on global plan to fight pandemics end without a deal Jon Cohen
2024-06-07 Software that detects ‘tortured acronyms’ in research papers could help root out misconduct Cathleen O’Grady
2024-05-31 Pharmacological modulation of septins restores calcium homeostasis and is neuroprotective in models of Alzheimer’s disease | Science
2024-05-31 Germline-mediated immunoediting sculpts breast cancer subtypes and metastatic proclivity | Science
2024-05-31 Stem-cell states converge in multistage cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma development | Science
2024-05-31 Quantifying the impact of misinformation and vaccine-skeptical content on Facebook | Science
2024-05-31 News at a glance: Preserving U.K. graduate visas, controlling peanut allergies, and chatting with animals Science News Staff
2024-05-31 Safely manage Alabama’s Mobile-Tensaw Delta | Science
2024-05-31 China’s road slopes need long-term protection | Science
2024-05-31 Militancy facilitates polio spread in Pakistan | Science
2024-05-31 Bridging two views of autism | Science
2024-05-31 Breaking down microdroplet chemistry | Science
2024-05-31 Germline variants alter immune surveillance | Science
2024-05-31 The future of the ocean | Science
2024-05-31 A three-dimensionally architected electronic skin mimicking human mechanosensation | Science
2024-05-31 Solid-state continuous time crystal in a polariton condensate with a built-in mechanical clock | Science
2024-05-31 Hearing the seas | Science
2024-05-31 Heinrich event ice discharge and the fate of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation | Science vixen99
2024-05-31 Living bioelectronics resolve inflammation | Science
2024-05-31 Supersharers of fake news on Twitter | Science layer8
2024-05-31 A broader view of misinformation reveals potential for intervention | Science
2024-05-31 In Other Journals | Science
2024-05-31 No new fossil fuel projects: The norm we need | Science burkaman
2024-05-31 In Science Journals | Science
2024-05-31 Eve: The Disobedient Future of Birth | Science
2024-05-31 Quantum computers could soon speed the development of novel materials, catalysts, and drugs Robert F. Service
2024-05-31 Treatments emerge for rare ‘catastrophic’ bone growth disease Mitch Leslie
2024-05-31 Mysterious sea urchin plague is spreading through the world’s oceans Sean Cummings
2024-05-31 Does sleep really clean the brain? Maybe not, new paper argues Sara Reardon
2024-05-31 New Dutch right-wing coalition to cut research, innovation, and environmental protections Martin Enserink
2024-05-31 After crisis in interstellar space, stream of Voyager 1 data resumes Collin Blinder
2024-05-31 Joining a cancer trial doesn’t improve survival odds Jennifer Couzin-Frankel
2024-05-24 Molecular cascades and cell type–specific signatures in ASD revealed by single-cell genomics | Science
2024-05-24 Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains | Science
2024-05-24 Single-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome | Science
2024-05-24 Systems biology dissection of PTSD and MDD across brain regions, cell types, and blood | Science
2024-05-24 A data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex | Science
2024-05-24 Genetic regulation of cell type–specific chromatin accessibility shapes brain disease etiology | Science
2024-05-24 Massively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex | Science rbanffy
2024-05-24 Cross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain | Science
2024-05-24 Developmental isoform diversity in the human neocortex informs neuropsychiatric risk mechanisms | Science
2024-05-24 A struggle to reionize the Universe? | Science
2024-05-24 An emerging target for male contraception | Science
2024-05-24 Fathers and their children | Science
2024-05-24 Diana H. Wall (1943–2024) | Science
2024-05-24 Multistage maturation optimizes vision | Science
2024-05-24 Hope for limestone langurs’ conservation | Science
2024-05-24 Decoding the brain | Science
2024-05-24 Mapping the brain’s gene-regulatory maze | Science
2024-05-24 Pursuing a smoke-free generation | Science
2024-05-24 Unlocking interfaces in photovoltaics | Science
2024-05-24 Medical forecasting | Science rntn
2024-05-24 The cesarean section, in context | Science
2024-05-24 Faulty communication between organs could make us old Mitch Leslie
2024-05-24 News at a glance: Planning for mentoring, tracking replications, and deracializing lung tests Science News Staff
2024-05-24 Astronomers find long-missing dwarf galaxies—too many of them Jonathan O’Callaghan
2024-05-24 Alvin, the iconic research submersible, plunges deeper than ever Warren Cornwall
2024-05-24 Companies start work on bird flu vaccines for cows—despite major hurdles Jon Cohen
2024-05-24 Humans helped the German cockroach conquer the world Darren Incorvaia
2024-05-24 Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress – Science rbanffy
2024-05-24 Report slams Dutch archaeologist couple for intimidation, abuse of power, and theft of human remains Martin Enserink
2024-05-24 Federal officials suspend funding to EcoHealth Alliance, nonprofit entangled in COVID-19 origin debate Jocelyn Kaiser
2024-05-23 No humans needed: AI robots discover new laser materials on their own Robert F. Service
2024-05-17 An inflamed brain can trigger psychosis. The search is on for patients who might be cured Richard Stone
2024-05-17 Vaccine priming of rare HIV broadly neutralizing antibody precursors in nonhuman primates | Science
2024-05-17 mRNA-LNP HIV-1 trimer boosters elicit precursors to broad neutralizing antibodies | Science
2024-05-17 Delocalized, asynchronous, closed-loop discovery of organic laser emitters | Science
2024-05-17 News at a glance: Solar storm stuns, COVID-19 vaccine withdrawn, and fossils return to Brazil Science News Staff
2024-05-17 Plants in the human gaze | Science
2024-05-17 The whistleblowers | Science
2024-05-17 Undergraduate research data crucial to equity | Science
2024-05-17 Energy transition needs new materials | Science

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